Sunday, January 30, 2005


An opening has been created due to the previous incumbent being absent without leave! The applicant must be prepared to wear team colours and must be -

M otivated A able to travel S miling C onfident
O utgoing T rained

There is no salary attached, but we offer a terrific working environment.

Should the previous M..... return, then of course your task would be as an assistant.

Mairi Orr

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Honorary Membership

Mrs Anne Ryan has been awarded Honorary Membership of Northern Counties for outstanding achievement as Captain of 2 winning Northern County Teams at the Scottish Finals in 2003 and 2004. This puts her in the company of Mrs Francis Souter, the founder of Northern Counties Girls Golf Association and President for 12 years of Northern Counties Ladies Golf Association, and Mrs Janet Ross, who achieved the same success as Anne in 1980 and 1981.

Mairi Orr

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Useful Names & Addresses

President - Mrs Isobel McIntosh, Woodside, 11 Leys Drive, Inverness
Telephone - 01463 235475
Captain - Mrs Mairi Orr, Tigh na Oir, Dornoch
Telephone - 01862 811439
e-mail -
Vice-Captain - Mrs Mary Law, 10 Scotstown, Banff
Telephone - 01261 818325
Hon. Secretary - Mrs Mary Hayden, Uisge-Beatha, Tarlogie Rd., Tarlogie, By Tain
Telephone - 01862 892545
e-mail -
Junior Secretary - Miss Cara Gruber, Braidhill, Strathpeffer
Telephone - -1997 421336
e-mail -

On behalf of the Officials and myself, I would like to welcome you to the Northern Counties "website". We feel it will be very beneficial to us all, especially given the geography of our County.

Susan Mackenzie from Elgin has graciously agreed to be our "webmistress" and we know you will keep her busy. At the Delegates meeting next month, Susan will explain the ins and outs to us all.

The first training day for our County Squad will take place this Sunday at Tain Golf Club (by kind permission) and we look forward to giving you a report next week, hopefully with some pictures.

Happy Golf - Mairi Orr

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Scratch League 2005

The NCLGA is pleased to announce the formation of a Scratch League. There will be two mini-leagues with three 'County' teams in each section. As the new league will also promote training and development, every effort will be made to involve young golfers. However, their involvement will not merely be restricted to playing! The average age of the three team organisers in one of the sections is 17!. As Mairi Orr (Captain) said ...."We feel in the Northern Counties that if young people are given the opportunity to take part in the administrative side of the sport, not only will they feel more 'connected' to the game, but it will also provide them with the opportunity to enhance and develop all important life skills." She continued ... "The new league will not only provide existing team members with the opportunity for additional match play practice, but it will be used as a selection aid for those on the periphery of County Team selection". She concluded ..."By introducing a league with a County Team format, we hope to turn our large geographical spread from a disadvantage into an advantage."


The Officials and members of NCLGA congratulate Pam Gordon, a past Captain of the County, on being re-appointed Captain of the Scottish Senior International Team and wish her every success. Pam has been a stalwart to the County and is always available to give advice and support.
Mairi Orr, Captain